Æneas of Gaza
V/VI Centuries
A major apologist
who attempted to reconcile Neoplatonism
with Christianity, Æneas of Gaza
was a contemporary and friend of
Procopius of Gaza,
as appears from his letters. His
dialogue Theophrastus, while attempting
to retain as much of Platonic/Neoplatonic
thought as possible, rejects the eternity of
matter and
pre-existence of the soul,
but defends the doctrine of the resurrection.
Norman Hugh Redington
- Theophrastus.
PG 85:871.
A dialogue in the manner of Plato; Æneas'
surviving major theological work. The most famous
passage concerns the miraculous ability of the
confessors of Africa, after the Arian Vandal
Hunneric had their tongues cut out, to continue
Paragraph 224 contains a long quotation from the
Theophrastus on the African confessors.
--- Newman Reader
- Epistles.
Twenty-five are said to survive.
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