Letter II To the same Gaius Therapeutes: Even such terms as "good" and "divine" fail to describe God.
Letter III To the same Gaius Therapeutes: Christ remains unknown in His essence even after the Incarnation.
Letter IV To the same Gaius Therapeutes: Concerning the "Theandric Energy" of the Incarnation.
Letter V To Dorotheus, Leitourgoros: The Divine Darkness shines forth Light, through which God may be known as fully as possible.
Letter VI To Sopatros, Priest: It is better to speak the truth than to attack error.
Letter VII To Polycarp, Hierarch: The Law of Truth (the proclamation of which is more important than the refutation of Greek errors); Response to Sophists, (especially Apollophanes, who was with Dionysius on the Day of the Crucifixion).
Letter VIII To Demophilos, a monk: About minding one's own business, and kindness, and containing the vision of St. Carpus.
Letter IX To Titus, Hierarch: Asking by letter: "What is the house of wisdom, what the bowl, and what are its meats and drinks?"
Letter X To John the Apostle: Of exile from the world and exile from God.
Have mercy, O Lord, upon Thy servants, the translator John, the priest John, the presbytera Carol, and Ioannes-Pavlos!