One of its inventors (
Vladimir Zworykin) was Orthodox, and its potential
as an evangelical tool is doubtless immense.
Unfortunately, that potential seems largely unrealised,
and the effects of this technology have often
been rather horrifying from the Christian point of view.
Some have gone so far as to see in television the fulfillment of
an alleged prophecy by St. Cosmas of Ætolus:
"The time will come when the devil puts himself inside
a box and starts shouting, and his horns will stick
out from the roof-tiles."
On the other hand,
there exist a number of Orthodox television programmes,
stations, and networks. For lack of time,
I have made no attempt to list them
Norman Hugh Redington
- ORTHODOX COMMENTS:At the moment, available
Orthodox material online tends to be mainly critical of
From Orthodox Life (31/1).
--- Holy Cross Hermitage
Novice Joseph:
Children and Television.
From Orthodox Tradition (1/1): 14 and (1/4&5): 19.
--- Orthodox Info
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