The Popes of Rome
The papacy as an institution.
Popes (and antipopes):
1912 Catholic Encyclopedia list of Popes
related article.
(Read with caution)
Wikipedia list of Popes.
Fr. Andrew Phillips:
The Holy Orthodox Popes of Rome.
Essentially a list of popes accepted as saints by the Orthodox.
--- Orthodox England
J. N. D. Kelly:
The Oxford Dictionary of Popes,
Oxford, 1986.
Philippe Levillain, ed.:
The Papacy -- An Encyclopedia,
New York: Routledge, 2002.
Bruno Steimer and Michael G. Parker:
Dictionary of Popes and the Papacy,
New York: Herder and Herder, 2001.
St. Abbo of Fleury:
Epitome de XCI Romanorum Pontificum Vitis,
PL 139:535
[Migne] Short lives of popes.
V Century:
St. Felix III;
St. Gelasius I;
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