St. John the Dwarf
IV/V Centuries
Born in Lower Egypt c. 339, John Kolobos (the Dwarf) was a young man when
he entered a monastery at Sketis. He is said to have been a disciple of
St. Poemen and of St. Ammoes. He is described as being by nature
ill-tempered and conceited and as having become by grace gentle and
humble. John believed that a monk is perfected by remaining ever-vigilant
in his cell. A solitary, John dug an underground cave to preserve his way
of life. In spite of his precautions, he was ordained. When the Berbers
raided Sketis c. 405, John went to Suez. He died on the mountain of St.
Anthony. John's wisdom is included in compilations of the sayings of the
Desert Fathers.
Karen Rae Keck
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