Fr. Demetrius Dudko
XX/XXI Centuries
One of the most prominent religious dissidents of the later Soviet period
and an heroic
confessor of Christ (although forced to recant on television in 1980). He
a friend of Frs. Alexander Men and
Gleb Yakunin. In his old age, however,
particularly after the fall of Communism, he became an advocate of
extreme right-wing political causes, reportedly including the
canonisation of Rasputin, and
(despite his friendship with Men) was accused of anti-Semitism.
Concerning Orthodox State Power.
Argues that Orthodox should support "non-atheistic"
communist candidates for office, rather than Westernising democrats.
Abstract in English; full text in Russian. Published in the nationalistic
newspaper Zavtra, April 1996.
--- Russian Religious News
An Appeal for Mercy (excerpts).
Fr. Demetrius' plea to fellow-Orthodox for forgiveness and
after repenting of his public recantation.
--- Orthodox America
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