6:1 To these men, who walked in holiness, there was gathered a great multitude of the elect, who, having suffered, through envy, many insults and tortures, became a most excellent example among us.
6:2 Through envy women were persecuted, even the Danaides and Dircae, who, after enduring dreadful and unholy insults, attained to the sure course of the faith; and they who were weak in body received a noble reward.
6:3 Envy hath estranged the minds of wives from their husbands, and changed the saying of our father Adam: This is now bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh.
6:4 Envy and strife have overthrown mighty cities and rooted out great nations.
Have mercy, O Lord, upon Thy servants the translator Charles and the Friar Martin, and upon the Athenæum of Christian Antiquity.