30:1 Since, therefore, we are a portion of the Holy One, let us do all such things as pertain unto holiness, avoiding evil-speaking, foul and impure embraces, drunkenness, disorderliness, abominable desires, detestable adultery, execrable pride;
30:2 for God, he saith, resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
30:3 Let us cleave, therefore, to them to whom grace has been given from God. Let us clothe ourselves with concord, being humble, temperate, keeping ourselves far from all whispering and evil speaking, justified by our deeds, and not by our words.
30:4 For he saith, He who saith many things shall, in return, hear many things. Doth he that is eloquent think himself to be just?
30:5 -- doth he that is born of woman and liveth but for a short time think himself to be blessed? Be not abundant in speech.
30:6 Let our praise be in God, and not for ourselves, for God hateth the self-praisers.
30:7 Let the testimony of right actions be given us from others, even as it was given to our fathers who were just.
30:8 Audacity, self-will, and boldness belong to them who are accursed of God; but moderation, humility, and meekness, to them that are blessed of God.
Have mercy, O Lord, upon Thy servants the translator Charles and the Friar Martin, and upon the Athenæum of Christian Antiquity.